Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Logo used by WikileaksImage via Wikipedia WikiLeaks, the notorious whistleblower website has been kicked off’s U.S. servers. This comes on the heels of the organization moving its operations only a day ago.

WikiLeaks has been the center of controversy this week due to having released more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables onto the internet and into the hands of select news organizations. Many of the cables are sensitive in nature and describe U.S. relations and efforts with countries such as Russia, South Korea and Pakistan.

As can be imagined, the U.S. government is not too happy about the release of these confidential documents and has been putting a lot of pressure against the website. This news comes after U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, the chairman of the House Security Committee, questioned

“I wish that Amazon had taken this action earlier based on Wikileaks’ previous publication of classified material. The company’s decision to cut off Wikileaks now is the right decision and should set the standard for other companies Wikileaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material,” notes Sentator Joe Lieberman.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Someone forgot to turn off the light

When we work and work and work, and forget to take a breath~we forget who and what we are. My God, someone forgot to turn out the light. And then~and then~and then... the floods come, overwhelming to the mind, overwhelming to the soul, overwhelming to the senses. I need a break so I stayed up to update the Blog, and now will be gone from the net for a month or so. No seriously, I gotta do this now, for me. My mind is screaming I have failed this year and the light is too dang bright. So while receiving the Blessing of Music from my Friends at Reverbnation, I hit the woman who saved me before I knew any of you. Thank you SariSat. Art is a mosaic, fragile and sweet but deadly if overwhelmed. Love can be toxic if not delivered gently and in the right portions. The mind is a terrible thing to waste but even more terrible to loose. Holidays are so tiring, but necessary to make us all rest a bit. To make us all on-line, remember there is more to remember, and more to be with ~ within our self. More to be with ~ within the world we tend to escape while here on-line. There are other Friends with flesh, Uuuuuuuu.... now what? There are other experiences, what might they be? Other senses that replenish  what is needed from the daunting year. Yep I do look forward to my time off. Have GREAT Holidays Friends! I will too.


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Inside the Mind of Genius beatmistresscait A Striking Concept Video Production



Masters of the Universe A Striking Concept Video Production

From our National Geographic Film Library


Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Love, The Work, The Practical Reality

Your sitting in front of your computer, or keyboard, or holding your heart in your hands. Your instrument is your voice, you see it, feel it, but can't express it on Film. This is what Striking Concept is about. We bring that expression to life. But your new to it all and don't have extra money for a Video for You Tube. You don't have a budget for a Film. Well if we get help here... You Will. Pay Pal is assisting us to do just that, pass this to all of your Friends and have them post it as well and Pay Pal will donate to the largest distribute of this message. Let Short Films like "Maters of the Universe" live on forever, not only in song but in visuals forever. Thank you and Blessings! CLICK HERE
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Friday, October 15, 2010


Jordan Reyne   |  Hamburg, DE   |  Alternative / Industrial-tinged folk / Antipodean Steampunk
Members: Jordan Reyne, Jordan Reyne

It's Facebook / streamjam show time again this weekend, where I will be bringing you tales of salt, sea and steam, live from Hamburg. Tune in via  for all the fun of avatars, instant chat and beta testing ;) It's a lot of fun and I would love ot see you there!

Local Times: Sat 6pm UK, Sat 7pm Germany, Sunday 6am New Zealand, Sat 10AM Los Angeles, Sat 10am SLT, Sat 4pm New York, Sun 4am Sydney.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Shade Law of Devotions Recording with Kathy Hamilton at Blog Talk Radio

Kathy's Facebook Note: Just letting everyone know I am interviewing famous music and recording producer Shade Law tomorrow 10/16/2010 Saturday at 10:00 am pacific time on my Live radio Talk show. hope you come listen.
call in n...umber- 646 200 0820

here is Shade Law's link-

Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy, and BLESSINGS!

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thank You All For Your Kind Wishes!

Sam McFarland and Jodie THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE it was through these Ladies help that I met all of my Medical Co-Pays! Well Ladies and Gents the tough part is done, I'm getting stronger everyday and their is no coughing up blood. Amazing what a bit of good medicine will do. Nothing dangerous like cancer, THANK GOD! Seemed there was this icky bug thing running around and decided to bounce in meeeeeeeee for a hot minute, well the bug thing is moving out so I'm Golden and on the mend. Jodie has told me about all of the kind threads left at Facebook, and Tony has told me about all of the kind sentiments left at MySpace. I want to thank all of you Fans and Artist - Fans alike. Plus I wanted to share this newest creation for all of the kindness shown to me here at Reverb Nation. So check it out:

This is my own Social Network at Wetpaint and I wanted my Readers to know just how kind Everyone has been! I am going to add a Reverb Nation Section to X~Ray when I am better and Feature my Friends. Thank You All
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Saturday, October 2, 2010


Shade Law transports the listener through a maelstrom of emotion, using music as a vehicle. Her own personal heartache from years of child abuse to major health issues has shaped Shade Law’s music compositions, with music being the only solace in her young life. Each track is highly poignant and her reactive style takes the listener on their own inner journey from heartache to healing.

By combining her experience in the motion picture industry with her great love of music, Shade Law creates compositions with a soundtrack feel and versatility that is capable of carrying listeners to the realms of the big screen, theater, with a motion picture emotional feeling and or visual. 
Shade Law’s first album, Tribal, is a combination of music born from the soul, creating ambiance, inner reflection, inspiration and motivation, and it is Shade's desire to take listeners through there own heartache to healing.”


Saturday, September 18, 2010

So=== I'm getting Braver

Well I'm getting brave in my old age lol! I'm working on an Album, and it has NEW Songs that haven't been heard whoooo~hoooo! I have been wondering what to do because I'm not a "performing Artist" like my Friends that I like to promote and share a lot. Most of you know that I specifically write Music for Videos and that most of my material is for our Client's Videos or Knight Productions (our Political Video Arm). Seeing as I'm still working on said project I thought I would at least show off the NEW Album Cover (By: Jodie P. Floss my bestest Friend and Business Partner). 

I have been in a daze of late, with working on The Dan Unger Foundation, and wondering is it even time to try something like this? But after I wrote "Beloved" I thought; "oh heck why not at least try, it can't hurt." Music is just one of those things that I do so Love To Do. It's the heartbeat of any Video we make as a team or that I wonder off and do by myself. I mean face it, you can build all day long with WebSites and only do so much of SEO and then you slam into a wall and say to heck with all of that, I need to reconnect with what is within ME~not worry about someone else for a change. I too, need inspiration and though I deeply care about my Friends on-line and around me here as well.... I just need to escape where I am really happy. Okkkkkk I would be happier with Native Instruments, but I'm happy with what I have FOR NOW lol. 

So here I am bending sound, and reshaping patterns of notes to come up with this Album for my NEW Store (which has a button right here on the Blog below my Music), and I got to thinking for the Fans and Friends to add some of the Music that cannot be downloaded as well as the NEW Tracks. It's all very new to me, not necessarily writing Music but the on-line Technology involved. I have to say one thing, Reverb Nation has certainly made it very easy and for that I am grateful. So I just wanted to let you all know where I am at and as always.....


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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Quiet Time

Internet_cafe Tokyo japanImage via Wikipedia
Scribd is where I go when it's quiet time. Sometimes You Tube, or Reverb Nation. But mostly I turn within and write. Writing is actually my first Love, and many times I forget that. The simulations of the Net can be a bit too much sometimes for me. I do have a life outside the Internet, that sometimes I forget about lol! Not really wise to do that. I work hard in whatever I do, and after putting in 

1,480hours for our Corporate account, I find myself finally returning to writing about what is going on in my little community here. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No Space, No Choice, No Jobs... the inappropriate use of Logos

In this day and age of Brands, Branding, Logos, and countless Internet and Big Corporations actually taking our Votes away through purchasing Congress. The Bold attitudes of Big Business is killing honest small Business whose Brands and Logos are honest. Small Business actually cares, being a small Business I care. My Partner and I are always looking to better the world by improving a message through the arts and music that is not "formula music" and art that is not stagnant or lifestyle based. I was over at You Tube and found one of FTFs Films, I'm taking a long needed break but wanted to address this because it's important for folks to know that their are real folks out there who are in Business who actually care. But to find them, you need to be aware of the Psychology of those who do NOT care about the public as a whole. They only care about their bottom-line. It's always a great honor to get an education through Music and Film for me so I hope you too, get something out of this production by Feed The Fire's "Hardcore Truth" Film.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where is the Music Industry Going?

Where is the Music Industry Going?: Where is the Music Industry Going?: "In order to figure out where the Industry is going, we need to look back to see where it has come from. My earliest recollection is of 78 rp..."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

NX Schell's - The Last Man - Striking Concept's Video Choice

Stalking on any level - Last time I checked - is still a CRIME

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Technology is cool, it's great on the Net, the many tools one can use to stay connected to THOSE you WANT to stay connected to is Awesome. We like our tool Feedjit, how ever... shame on you Google - Gadjets you must have made something that circumvents Blogger's Blocking capabilities.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Magnificent Style ft Lady Gaga - Alejandro remix

Vocals: Lady Gaga
Beat: Magnificent Style
Production: Magnificent Style

His Name says it all, a Magnificent Beat, his Style call for hard and soft ebbs and flow to his sound. He is Magnificent Style and his Music says it all. 


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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Gotta A Life Or Do I?

© 2008 J Picken

Monday, August 9, 2010

Music -The Heart of Life

Music can be just noise, or Noise with a Purpose. Noise with a Heart. Noise with a Soul. 

When I first heard Noise Flower's Music Composition,  "Time," I saw waterfalls, universes, and heard the heartbeat of God. THIS IS THE SURPRISE. Open your heart to the sound of Noise Flower.

This Video was made with much respect, love, and is dedicated to Noise Flower. And is for her whenever she gets a breather so I can email it to her, mmmmm hope she's at gmail, at 24.5MG it will be hard to get it to her through any other provider LOL


You can visit Noise Flower at Reverb Nation Link to the left of Blog
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A Line In The Sand

Emotion: HopeImage by Cayusa via Flickr
No this isn't the surprise that everyone is waiting for. This is about Friendship, this is about how Business can destroy all levels of feeling and heart and emotion and reality that is supposed to be Universal.... I believe in God, and I believed in a Friend that now must make a choice between years or weeks.  Where is the heart of Business that it has become so sterile, so surreal. Maybe I'm just to old, maybe I am blind, or maybe on-line Businesses are just too dead and lifeless to bother with. I have to say that I miss the contact of real people, real Friends who deeply know me. 

It's not to say I haven't met really good people on-line but the threads of  reality are short at best in this fiber age. Who are you on-line? Does ego and money mean that much that we no longer see the beauty of just one flower or hear the song of just one bird? Or are we no better on-line then those who would soon crush the very life out of us through religion and politics. 

A good Friend of mine sent me a Video to remind me, this "Business stuff" isn't that important at the loss of your heart. Well he didn't really say that, but I got the message 6 hours later when another Friend drew a line in the sand. There is no choice but to let go, before my heart does harden and I'm worse for something that never happened.

You need to watch this Video, before it's too late, and the machine kills you and the ego devours you, and you become lost and so weak, because your no longer in control.

Business can be a truth, but only if the heart is involved deeply. Striking Concept will do no more Business with ANY on-line Company again. We will only now place our services in the Arts, Entertainment, Music, and one day I would like to create a Documentary with my own Music. But for now, done opening my heart to those who draw the lines in the sands. Thank you "Hard Core Truth."
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tell Verizon To Take A Hike

Again with Net Neutrality! Again with Artist, Bloggers, and the Social Networks under siege. Google is a good Company but they might be buckling please Sign the Petition HERE and help Google make a good choice.

Story of a Baseline or Beat By Shade Law

To understand the Artist here and me especially, you need to understand a bit how we work. The process is different for each of us, but the depth in which we go is the same. Passion will always be Passion. Here the Video that I did relates to Music, later the other Writers (or myself) will discuss other areas of the Entertainment Industry. For now, I will be speaking on only what I know with my creations of Music.

The Video here is a High Tech Video, but the primary focus will be Music. As we know Video is Viral thanks to Google and You Tube, but seriously it is the Music that propels the Video and shapes it. The texture of any Video's core is Music. Why? Well hopefully if it is scored right, it will pull the Audience in no matter the actual topic.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Designing and Working with Messages In Video

Cults and new religious movements in literatur...Image via Wikipedia
Touchy Subjects UuuuuUUuuuu. Ok, lets hit the topic running, Religion - baddd word, Politics - Oh My - quite Frighting, and Sex! Oh God NOT again with who is sleeping with whom... AGAIN!   P L E A S E

Video is quite powerful, it's a dynamic that allows a whole different ball of wax to appear, why? Because you can seeeeee it Love! Seeing stuff pulls in different kind of emotions, thoughts, and most of all reactions. So it get's a little tricky because Video has been a long time favorite of Neuro Linguistic Programming. How does one reverse the long time effects of NLP, that were done to either subjugate, rule over, or at worst ruin lives. Well, being the nosey butt that I am, I went rummaging through my Friends over at Reverb Nation and hit upon a Song whose lyrics caught my heart and my attention.

Monday, August 2, 2010

“Gifting To Oneself”

by: Jodie Picken CoAuthor
(all rights reserved)
From “The Reverse NeuroLinguistic
Programming Internet Series” ©2008

The general consensus suggests that the art of giving to ones self is, in essence, selfish behavior. The constraints of societal conditioning would have us believe that we would not only be selfish, but also greedy, thoughtless and self centered. So tell me… if one spends all their time giving to others in some, way shape or form, do they not, at some time, deserve something?

The necessity or need to please others, to give to others, to self sacrifice is endorsed. If this is endorsed for others, then why can we not endorse it for our own selves? Interesting is it not… give something to yourself, whether small or large, and start feeling guilty. Hey those well programmed thought patterns leap up and start blabbing about the need of others being so much higher then your own.

At this stage we begin believing others are more deserving, needier then ourselves. How have we allowed ourselves to be manipulated to such a degree that we have forgotten the importance of wholeness of our own being, to be holistically complete is quite interesting at best. If we are not complete within ourselves how can we effectively give, help and support others? How can we give something that we do not have to give?

The Brand of Video Creation: Topic Music - Noise Flower

Image by spike55151 via Flickr

The most powerful way to get your work out successfully and Brand it properly is through Video. Why, because "Video Is Viral."Being a Videoographer has it's responsibilities, even if your creation is an "interpretation." Using others photos or Artwork for example, must contain somewhere their name, using someones Music must contain their name and or production home if required (especially an independent). Tools of the trade are actually quite easy to use, the Technology for creating Videos is kinda cool, but if you want to keep your Friends and or Clients happy, editing the Video to fit the Artist demands better be in place.

Professionalism and competition pretty much demands that one seeking a profession in this line of work, adhere to what the Client or creator of said Music or Video project needs. A consistency of materials is also needed.  This consistency shows up in editing, too many Intros or End Tags for instance, can throw the viewer completely off. A standard, recognizable intro, or even End Tag consistently placed works wonders. A Lecture Video for instance would have a clear cut End Tag that can be placed at the beginning or end of a Video. 10 to 17secs of pure free advertising I say is cool! Something clearly that makes YOUR WORK noticeably YOURS.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Mental Equivalent: Redefining Words

Lets get real here ok? Words have meaning and power, but their definition needs to be dealt with on a more feeling level and re-expressed at an Individual's level of feeling and or expression. Misunderstanding... can only happen in Art, Music, or the Entertainment Industry as a whole, when someone else's judgment pattern insist that "your just not quite doing that right or saying it right."Just because "Business" does it wrong dose not mean that those of us in Business seek to follow the trend of those before us who could care less about ethics, feeling, or the broader message. I'm gonna speak about what I believe in, as far as "flipping the switch." 

We begin this process of "flipping the switch," when we can get over the need to be right, and the need to think that some else has to be wrong, in order for us to be right. The real issue really is that (in this Country at least) we tend to have an US vs THEM attitude. As long as that prevails no words will ever break through that wall. Art suffers, and real communication fails dismally. The attachment of hurt and pain is too real in the so called  "meaning" of words, to have those kinds of walls to break down. Why? simply because the attachment to the words meaning doesn't go any deeper than the flesh wound.

Music For The Soul - THE - Brand Of Spirit

SiriSat - Julia Claire´s wide experience as a vocalist & dancer has taken her through an adventurous journey of transformation through publishing many hit dance / pop records, since the late eighties performing worldwide & on TV with her own band & dancers.
Through her spiritual discovery as a Yoga teacher & Reiki Master over the last 20 years she currently composes, records & performs music inspired by her lifestyle through Healing & Meditation.

To begin the journey   of hearing beyond one's thoughts, is to begin to hear one's own inner Music. Many of these Musicians write directly from a Soul Level, beyond even the heart. "The Silence" achieves a Music Brand that is beyond the "condition" of life into a amalgamated reality of integration of Spirit and Soul along with SiriSat and Bruce Black who incorporates a feel of life's reality.... with a Solution.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

“Religion Who Needs It?”

“Religion Who Needs It?”

by: Jodie Picken CoAuthor
(all righ
ts reserved)
From “The Reverse NeuroLinguistic
Programming Internet Series” ©2008

As human beings we tend to fear what we do not understand. We fear death as there is no solid evidence of an "after life", of heaven and of continued existence in some way, shape or form.

Religion does provide a systematic process of stages of death and what supposedly happens when life as we know it becomes extinct. However, religion also provides a solid foundation to breed intense levels of fear from a very young age.

"All religions work on the principle of exposing each new generation to a single worldview,to the exclusion of all others, in a repetitious and authoritative manner. Doubts, as to the veracity of such 'teachings' are not encouraged, indeed, are not tolerated.Once learned, the information so gained is retained for life, allowing it to take on aninstinctive mantle in later years. As with all acquired knowledge, such as learning to ride a bicycle or rote remembrance of mathematical time's tables, once taught, unlearning is not an easy option"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Brand of Powerful Messages

Jordan Reyne 2009Image via Wikipedia
In a complex world what makes you stand out? What is keeping it Real truly about? What is Image? What is YOUR Reality? and... How do you reach out to touch another, through powerful visualizations, when your vision... is being seen through the lens of some one other than you...?

Music is a tool, that has a brand, it's a tool that expresses a "Brand," or viewpoint, or concept of the Composer. Many will argue that "Branding" isn't important, you don't need a "Brand." However, if there were no real distinctive Brands, their would be no real individualized expression in Music or the Arts. The Music would clearly suffer. A Brand signifies the professionalism of the Artist, and takes the Artist out of a "formula based" sounding all alike regime. The individual comes into the real expression of their work, instead of sounding like a drone's copy of another.

The True Self Image all about Nancy B Live

Screen Actors GuildImage via Wikipedia
We really do get lost in Image, age is a lie when hearts still wish to express. Please enjoy this Song and let the words carry you into a reality of deep thought. And.... be good to your Mom and Dad, they have songs in their hearts too. And Now: "One More Song To Sing By Nancy B"

Nancy B Live: Her Link is under "Our Customers." Nancy is an Author and an Actress and is registered with SAG. Her Book "Life is a Game and You can Play it" is available by ordering from her WebSite. A Striking Concept Production.
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Michael Hartman and the Appendages (keeping it REAL)

Branding in Music takes on many levels, in my last Blog we spoke of Techno and Stylized Vocals.... Here with "Michael Hartman and the Appendages" your going to see why the Music Business enjoys a complexity of Live active arrangements that have the instrumentals and vocals intertwine within a Studio Production.

Studio work is a interaction with multiple Artist or a single multifaceted Artist (that plays many instruments) that craft their work into a sound arrangement. Track by track each layer is a feat of wonderment as the song is literally shaped into an amazing story, feeling, emotion, or reality.

Experience, is having the patience to stay with it until it's done right, and by right I mean... YOU must enjoy your work first. It's part of that confidence that Mr. Roger speaks of in his fine Article. It is also what Striking Concept tries to express with each Video that we produce for our Customers at Striking Concept You Tube or our commentaries at lawsofexpression at You Tube. And that's why Michael Hartman is so profound, he keeps it REAL. And that my Friend will get you anywhere in any craft your working at. BLESSINGS!

Michael has been writing and performing music for over 20 years. His passion for music is evident in the songs that have materialized. He has devoted his time to becoming very apt at many instruments! you can listen to Michael's work on the left hand side of the Blog under my work. His link to his Site at Reverb Nation will be under his Song.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Brand of Techno and Stylized Music

Music is formatted in many ways. One of the more concentrated ways of approaching Music today, is a combination of stylized and technical approaches. It's a Brand that uses a unique rhythm pattern of technical programs as well as stylized voice approaches. This unique Brand, allows the Artist the creative flow to go into two major fields. One is Film or Video which is my Sound Track Approach, and Two: a more dance effect for Live performances. Noise Flower takes the approach for Live Music, and is quite good at what she produces. Branding herself into a market that calls for a Live Audience, yet most of her work (go to her Site at Reverb Nation Link Provided under her Song at LEFT) could be used for a Sound Track for a Motion Picture or a TV opening. Because we all know here, that Branding is very important for the Business approach of selling or marketing what it is you have to offer... being new to this, isn't an excuse Love. You must try everyday at your craft (Acting, Directing, or Social Commentary) whatever your into, build on that everyday... this makes your Craft explode. Everyone taking this attitude can't help but succeed. A song of Noise Flower is under my work, so check her work out as well. It really does come down to selling your self image, and what an image that can be when you believe in yourself!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time To Grow

Getting the job done through Video is FUN! Your area of expertise is your area of value to not only YOU but others who look for your services. If your in Sales, a Brand would help, if your an Author, Musician, Actor, or Teacher a Video can work wonders to who YOU wish to target in a Social Network or on the Internet itself. You can go long in your message, but I would suggest not over two minutes this will keep the audiences attention and help you build your list of Followers and or Customers depending on what is is you want out of the process.

If your in Business, then treat your list of what you want to achieve as a Business. If your in any other area of expertise, then again treat your list of what you want as an avenue of how you desire to approach your Target area of followers. It really still comes down to, having fun and loving ~ really Loving what you do rather Business or other avenues of Socializing or making money. But make up your mind, especially on the Internet. Do you want to be Social, or get across your point. It's ok to be Social, otherwise your a stick in the mud.... But if you want to make money, and work a Business, then make a list of what you want to accomplish and look at your BRAND.... is it "saying anything?" If not it's ok to ask those that do know how to brand through Video for help.