Saturday, September 18, 2010

So=== I'm getting Braver

Well I'm getting brave in my old age lol! I'm working on an Album, and it has NEW Songs that haven't been heard whoooo~hoooo! I have been wondering what to do because I'm not a "performing Artist" like my Friends that I like to promote and share a lot. Most of you know that I specifically write Music for Videos and that most of my material is for our Client's Videos or Knight Productions (our Political Video Arm). Seeing as I'm still working on said project I thought I would at least show off the NEW Album Cover (By: Jodie P. Floss my bestest Friend and Business Partner). 

I have been in a daze of late, with working on The Dan Unger Foundation, and wondering is it even time to try something like this? But after I wrote "Beloved" I thought; "oh heck why not at least try, it can't hurt." Music is just one of those things that I do so Love To Do. It's the heartbeat of any Video we make as a team or that I wonder off and do by myself. I mean face it, you can build all day long with WebSites and only do so much of SEO and then you slam into a wall and say to heck with all of that, I need to reconnect with what is within ME~not worry about someone else for a change. I too, need inspiration and though I deeply care about my Friends on-line and around me here as well.... I just need to escape where I am really happy. Okkkkkk I would be happier with Native Instruments, but I'm happy with what I have FOR NOW lol. 

So here I am bending sound, and reshaping patterns of notes to come up with this Album for my NEW Store (which has a button right here on the Blog below my Music), and I got to thinking for the Fans and Friends to add some of the Music that cannot be downloaded as well as the NEW Tracks. It's all very new to me, not necessarily writing Music but the on-line Technology involved. I have to say one thing, Reverb Nation has certainly made it very easy and for that I am grateful. So I just wanted to let you all know where I am at and as always.....


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